Welcome, La Cima JC’s 2025!
Apply to serve as a Junior Counselor (JC)
Staff Commitment:
Arrival: Monday, July 7, 2025
Departure: Sunday, July 13, 2025
Location: Central Washington University
Optional Staff Retreat:
Dates: April 26-27, 2025
Location: Central Washington University
Application Deadline: February 14, 2025
Please complete this form by February 14, 2025 to serve on La Cima WA Junior Staff 2025 at CWU.
Contact Vincent Perez
Junior Counselor (JC) Job Description:
Reports To: JC Coordinator; SC
Overview: Junior Counselors (JC) are typically former delegates and ¡La Chispa! Mentors who have been selected through an application process to volunteer their time as a part of the La Cima camp staff. They are responsible for working with the Senior Counselors (SCs) to provide a positive leadership camp experience for all delegates. JC’s are accountable to SC’s and to the camp director.
It is recommended that a successful JC serve no more than three years in the position. Junior Counselors are assigned to each dorm and are required to be present in the dorms at all times when delegates are present. They also play a key role in leading evening reflections activity in dorms and leading dorm group icebreakers. The Junior Counselor is an important position in the La Cima camp staff, providing guidance and support to both the SC’s and delegates alike.
Act as teaching assistant for the Senior Counselors (SCs)
Act as a peer adviser for the delegates
Model responsible behaviors
Observe camp climate
Show sincere enthusiasm (cheerleader for camp)
Promote inclusion
Pursue higher education in your personal life
Learn and grow as a person and leader
Demonstrate servant leadership
Supervise dorms and establish positive community living spaces
Create an inclusive and safe camp environment
Support the SC’s as "teaching assistants" in councils
Assist with camp logistics
Be a role model
Lead evening reflections activity in dorms
Lead dorm group icebreakers
Model presentation techniques for council evening presentations
Help facilitate campfire/social
Create camp décor
Help delegates into dorms during registration & assist with early-bird activities
Help with organized recreation
Prepare supplies for council
Must be a high school graduate and most are enrolled in college
Must have previously attended La Cima as a delegate, ¡La Chispa! as a Mentor, or have a service history
Must be willing to volunteer their time and services
Must be a positive role model for all delegates
Must demonstrate leadership and interpersonal skills
Must be able to commit to the entire camp session
Must be able to work well in a team-oriented environment